Thursday, February 16, 2006

This is a great documentary from Frontline about the effects meth has on America. While I am not a big proponent of the drug wars, as meth use spreads the affect on society will be greater than all of Al Qaeda's work. Meth not only destroys the body, but also destroys the soul. It leaves users a hollow shell of their former selves. I cannot see how the current administration can view all illicit drugs equally as justifiable, when this one drug can singly reverse a decade crime reduction in America. And while our country continues to debate the issues of illegal immigration of Mexicans into the U.S., tons of meth streams across our largely unpatrolled borders. Of course all of this could be stopped if the nine factories that make ephedrine and pseudoephedrine would start placing controls over distribution.
In honor of Kyoto Protocol Day we Americans should use this day to crap on the rest of the world! Today is a good day to change your oil and pour the remnants down the nearest storm drain. Have an old air conditioner? Take a shotgun to that compressor! The CFCs will only shorten your tanning time! But ideally today should be spent driving solo in an extremely large vehicle through bumper to bumper traffic. Because, as we all know, CO2 makes the maticulously manicured chemical-laden grass grow. God gave us every right to screw it up as much as want! Besides, the quicker we screw things up, the quicker Jesus will come back and take the righteous to heaven. Are you Rapture Ready? God Bless America!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

How Sweet! Who said matches made in heaven don't exist. Scorpion Queen marries Centipede King.