Thursday, December 14, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
DJ Riko's Merry Mixmas 2006 is HERE!!! Go to and download/torrent a copy! I think this is the best one so far. The Twelve Days of Christmas montage is really done well.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Monday, July 31, 2006
Thursday, July 20, 2006
In today's episode of Why the Middle East is Fucked, we learn about the Balfour Declaration of 1917, how it conflicts with the Sykes-Picot Agreement, and how Sykes-Picot and Balfour REALLY conflicted with the Hussein-McMahon Correspondence. And silly you, thought all this stuff started in 1948 because the Allies were feeling guilty about six million Jews getting killed by Nazis and not really doing anything about it even though you knew it was happening? WRONG! They felt even MORE guilty because if they had re-established Israel after World War I, there wouldn't have been that many Jews left in Europe for Hitler to kill! They would have all been in the Eastern Mediterranean fighting militant Arabs who had been living on the land for the last 1500 years instead. But of course us Westerners are so good at reneging on deals. The British went on creating solidarity among the Arabs eventually leading to the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Turks. This lead to a solidarity between Arabs that had not been seen until this time. They now viewed the Arabs in Palestine as brethren being oppressed by these new Jews. The new Jews made an easy focus for all their hate and anger, even though that should really be directed at their oppressive but very wealthy monarchs and dictators. So we ended up screwing the Jews first and then the Arabs! houses...sinners...doesn't really matter. You know how us Westerners love to throw stones! And we're getting better and better at it...throwing stones that is! Good thing the Middle East is so far away, and all we have to worry about is high gas prices...oh and terrorists...nuclear weapons...lots of dead and wounded soldiers...economic warming...World War III...loss of freedom...rising extreme fundamentalism...fear...fear...fear...
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Make has an entry about NADH in their new Tools N Tips section and I wanted to share my personal experience with it. NADH is a coenzyme produced naturally by the body in order to turn glucose into energy your body uses to fuel itself. One third of the energy your body produces is used by your brain. Increased intake of NADH has been found to improve brain function, empower the immune system and increase physical energy. But until recently, NADH could not be easily supplemented because it would breakdown in the stomach. Enada is the patented system that was created to prevent breakdown of NADH before it entered the bloodstream.
I have been taking NADH or Enada now for a couple years and I can definitely say that it has changed my life. I have had bouts with anxiety and depression since I was a kid. I started taking NADH a few years ago after an article in Newsweek told of how it helped with energy, concentration and focus. A lot of my anxiety would come from the fact that I would just blank when I got into a social situation that required me to interface with others, especially people I didn't know. I thought the focus would help me with that. I found Immune Support had the cheapest price and the best business attitude so I ordered some. I have been taking it ever since. The thing I like about it is that I don't feel any different. You don't get shaky, your emotions aren't erased, and you especially don't feel like you are on something. It's very subtle. I notice that it's working because I don't get frustrated by common daily experiences. I don't get worried by things that used to terrify me like walking into a crowded room or making basic conversation. It's as if a veil has been lifted and I can see the world clearly. I'm still me, but everything seems to make more sense. It reminds me of when I first got glasses and noticed that leaves weren't one big blur, but individual and unique. Suddenly stressful situations had multiple paths of resolution. People became just people and not something different from me. I didn't get angry whenever something went wrong. I could now see how hard my wife struggled because she never know when I would "freak out". I also saw how I wasn't giving my son enough time because I didn't understand him and was afraid of him. I was then able to start making small changes that made my whole family's life better. So far so good.
I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist, etc. I am only telling how Enada has helped me. I currently take about 10mg a day every morning 30 minutes before breakfast. 5mg was enough for clarity, but 10mg gives me an extra boost that helps me get through the day. When I first started taking it and the times I have been off of it since, it takes me about three days for the full effect to set in. It gets a little expensive, but for me it's been worth it. And I want to be clear that this is not some miracle drug. I have read many stories how it did nothing. It doesn't fix you. You fix you. Enada can maybe help you see things more clearly and hopefully see the path that's right for you.
I have been taking NADH or Enada now for a couple years and I can definitely say that it has changed my life. I have had bouts with anxiety and depression since I was a kid. I started taking NADH a few years ago after an article in Newsweek told of how it helped with energy, concentration and focus. A lot of my anxiety would come from the fact that I would just blank when I got into a social situation that required me to interface with others, especially people I didn't know. I thought the focus would help me with that. I found Immune Support had the cheapest price and the best business attitude so I ordered some. I have been taking it ever since. The thing I like about it is that I don't feel any different. You don't get shaky, your emotions aren't erased, and you especially don't feel like you are on something. It's very subtle. I notice that it's working because I don't get frustrated by common daily experiences. I don't get worried by things that used to terrify me like walking into a crowded room or making basic conversation. It's as if a veil has been lifted and I can see the world clearly. I'm still me, but everything seems to make more sense. It reminds me of when I first got glasses and noticed that leaves weren't one big blur, but individual and unique. Suddenly stressful situations had multiple paths of resolution. People became just people and not something different from me. I didn't get angry whenever something went wrong. I could now see how hard my wife struggled because she never know when I would "freak out". I also saw how I wasn't giving my son enough time because I didn't understand him and was afraid of him. I was then able to start making small changes that made my whole family's life better. So far so good.
I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist, etc. I am only telling how Enada has helped me. I currently take about 10mg a day every morning 30 minutes before breakfast. 5mg was enough for clarity, but 10mg gives me an extra boost that helps me get through the day. When I first started taking it and the times I have been off of it since, it takes me about three days for the full effect to set in. It gets a little expensive, but for me it's been worth it. And I want to be clear that this is not some miracle drug. I have read many stories how it did nothing. It doesn't fix you. You fix you. Enada can maybe help you see things more clearly and hopefully see the path that's right for you.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Have you taken the Financial Challenge? It's a lot cheaper (as in free) than a Dave Ramsey book. And isn't that more fiscally prudent?
Monday, June 26, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Running the numbers for artist payments of legally downloaded songs. It is so honorable that the record companies pay artists their fair share since they don't actually do anything when a song is downloaded. Hah! Of course, you can always go independent.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Today is primary election day in Alabama. But which districts do I live in? Go to the Alabama State Legislature's ZIP Code search. You will need your nine digit ZIP code to know your exact House and Senate Reps. Don't know those last four digits? No problem. Go to the USPS Address search. Type in your address without ZIP code and submit. You will get your full nine digit ZIP code. Enter this into the Rep ZIP Code search and see who represents your community.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Friday, June 02, 2006
Why a goat? It's so funny and yet so sad at the same time. I just hope the sex goddesses get here soon to save her.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Why do they have to put High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) in everything these days? Accidental Hedonist discusses this and more. Perhaps it is a poli-geo-eco conspiracy? Or could it be that HFCS are a harmless additive that increases shelf life and sweetens food really cheaply? But then again when have companies ever had our best interests at heart when there's a buck left in our wallet?
Monday, May 22, 2006
Have you had trouble opening those see-through plastic packages from places like Best Buy and Walmart that are further soldered and fused together to make them virtually unopenable? You're not alone. And it also appears that these packages are causing a surge in non-intentional hand injuries. "'I would definitely like to tell (manufacturers) that serious hand injuries are occurring because of this packaging,' said Arbelaez, a member of the Trauma Care and Injury Control National Committee of American College of Emergency Physicians." To open the packages, regular scissors don't do the trick. Box cutters increase the risk of cutting yourself or a work surface. About the only thing I have found that will cut through them safely are the Super Shears from Cutco. They are heavy, strong and cut right through all those layers of PVC.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
ABC News reported today that a confidential source inside the government told them to replace their "cell phones, quick." It appears that our free and democratically elected government has decided that 1984 makes a great guide for governing. Surprisingly, many Americans are not alarmed. William Gibson notes in a recent and rare interview, "I think it's [the X-Files, Nixon wiretapping, science fiction]. I think it's predicated in our delirious sense of what's been happening to us as a species for the past 100 years. During the Cold War it was almost comforting to believe that the CIA was reading everything..." Sadly, these actions are largely unprecidented. This is because technology never before made it so easy for the government to spy on you. Combine this revelation with the collusion with credit card companies, media conglomerates using public funds to terrorize their own customers, RFID tags tracking every purchase and every item you carry into any building and mounting coverups and the picture becomes very clear that our government is no longer OUR government. While we have had poor leaders in the past, there has never been such a successful coordinated attack on the Constitution as there is today. At least there are a few folks paying attention.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Friday, May 05, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Is this a prelude to the coming Atlantic hurricane season? I really would not want to meet up with this storm.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
One of the frustrating things about Super Glue is that it is pretty much a one use product. Even with the cap on, it dries out in a matter of days. Kevin Kelly featured this epoxy on his Cool Tools site that looks like a better solution for a lot of repairs. You can even handle it with your bare fingers during the prep! It doesn't drip everywhere. And it stays good until you mix it up!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Monday, March 06, 2006
Friday, February 24, 2006
This article requires some mental acrobatics, but is notheless very cool. Scientists have been able to solve an algorithm with a quantum computer without running it through the computer. The mere presence of the algorithm effectively answered it. "In a sense, it is the possibility that the algorithm could run which prevents the algorithm from running." It has been a theorized part of quantum mechanics for a long time, but is really wild to have it actually happen. Computing over the next 20 years is really going to get weird. The possibilities are limitless...I mean really limitless.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Since 1999 the CIA has been reclassifying thousands of documents. While some of the documents might be of concern for national security, many are just embarrassing to the intelligence community. A document from 1949 reveals that it was believed that the Soviet nuclear program was poor at best. Six months later they exploded their first atomic bomb. But this is not justification for withdrawl. In fact, the executive order 12958 amended by Bush explicitly states that "no … information shall be classified in order to …. prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency." Meanwhile thousands of documents on sabotage and making chemical weapons remain declassified. Take a look for yourself, while you still can. via /.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
This is a great documentary from Frontline about the effects meth has on America. While I am not a big proponent of the drug wars, as meth use spreads the affect on society will be greater than all of Al Qaeda's work. Meth not only destroys the body, but also destroys the soul. It leaves users a hollow shell of their former selves. I cannot see how the current administration can view all illicit drugs equally as justifiable, when this one drug can singly reverse a decade crime reduction in America. And while our country continues to debate the issues of illegal immigration of Mexicans into the U.S., tons of meth streams across our largely unpatrolled borders. Of course all of this could be stopped if the nine factories that make ephedrine and pseudoephedrine would start placing controls over distribution.
In honor of Kyoto Protocol Day we Americans should use this day to crap on the rest of the world! Today is a good day to change your oil and pour the remnants down the nearest storm drain. Have an old air conditioner? Take a shotgun to that compressor! The CFCs will only shorten your tanning time! But ideally today should be spent driving solo in an extremely large vehicle through bumper to bumper traffic. Because, as we all know, CO2 makes the maticulously manicured chemical-laden grass grow. God gave us every right to screw it up as much as want! Besides, the quicker we screw things up, the quicker Jesus will come back and take the righteous to heaven. Are you Rapture Ready? God Bless America!
Monday, January 30, 2006
There are people of great power in this country that yearn for the good ole days of yesteryear when men were men, women were sex objects and children were of the damned.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Top 10 reasons why no ones reads this blog. Actually I like the fact no one, except my lovely wife reads this blog. It's like screaming into a crowd of billions, only to be drowned out by the screams of everyone else. I get my screaming done, and no one is at my door wanting me to explain why I don't scream like they do. Now if I could only do something about the fundamentalist Christians next door...
This is an interesting commentary on the state of the dollar as it relates to Iran. Iran may have more control over America than most people realize.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Thursday, January 12, 2006
One of the frustrating things about being American is that you're expected to understand capitalism and free enterprise economics from birth. This is hardly the case. Supply and demand is the cliche that everyone knows, but most only understand the demand part. Americans learn very quickly how to be consumers, but based on our personal and national debt few of us ever understand the supply side. Well here is your chance to learn the basics for significantly less money than taking an economics course at your local college. Preston McAfee has written an economics textbook and released it under the Creative Commons license. The book is, from what I have read so far, well written and very straight forward. But best of all it's free. And free means that you can use the $111.50 (marked down of course) you would have paid for a "real" textbook and perhaps pay against the principle on your 29.8% APR VISA card. And all this understanding and extra money will in return get you more of the other free.
via memepool
via memepool
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Pat Robertson should become a comedian and cut out the middleman. 700 Club leader declared that Ariel Sharon was struck down by God because he divided Israel against God's will.
via talking points memo
via talking points memo
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Hell hath no fury... I mean really, you just can't make this stuff up. Is our country actually being run by these adolescents?
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