Monday, April 23, 2007

Why does your waistline correlate to your income? Because in America, higher caloric junk food is cheaper than lower caloric good food. And the main reason for this is, of course, politics and corruption.

I am amazed at all of the commercials everyday for weight loss products when the solution is very simple, stop eating crap! All that stuff in the middle of the supermarket that comes in pretty packaging is BAD for you! It's bad because those companies get LOTS of money to sell you crap. Do yourself and take two simple things out of your diet and I promise you will lose weight. The first is high fructose corn syrup. I am not going to debate whether or not it's good or bad for you, but I can tell you that anything it's in also has twenty-five things that are bad for you. The other thing is processed carbohydrates It doesn't matter if it's wheat, corn, potatoes or rice. All of it is lacking the nutrients and fiber your body needs. Processed carbs are also in the packaged junk food you don't need to eat as well. I have lost over fifty pounds in the last two years by removing these items from my diet. I still eat lot of things that are considered bad for me like steaks, sweets, cheese, and pasta. But my waistline has dropped eight inches and my cholesterol has gone from 185 to 115.

Do yourself a favor and do like my wife says, buy only items along the edge of the grocery store and buy organic as much as possible. If you live in Alabama, try Grow Alabama. They will deliver fresh organic produce directly to your door!


Steph said...

You lost 50 pounds?! holy crap! I had no idea it was that much!

I've lost 10 since I joined Grow Alabama in December, without adding exercise (yet). Not bad, eh? I won't even let KL order a pizza when we have so much good produce in the house.

I heard somewhere that you should eat food that "remembers where it came from"... that is to say, the further it gets away from it's origin/original form, the worse it is for you. I have found that to be very true. Now I am starting to lose my taste for over-processed, over-salted, fatty fast food.

bec said...

The more food is processed before it enters your body, the less work your body has to do to turn it into energy. Less work means less calories burned. And with all that packaged food, it's even worse. Your body has built in food intake regulators that prevent over eating. But your body uses things like fiber to get that full indication. Also, think about how many foods naturally contain both sugars/starches and fats. There's not many. If you take fiber out of food and then cover the fats with the taste of sweetness, your body doesn't ever feel full. You just keep eating. So if you can eat foods like fresh produce, lean meats, unsaturated oils like canola and olive oil and whole grains, your body knows how to respond and will let your know when it's full. You won't even know that you've dropped 300-500 calories off your daily intake.