Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Why do they have to put High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) in everything these days? Accidental Hedonist discusses this and more. Perhaps it is a poli-geo-eco conspiracy? Or could it be that HFCS are a harmless additive that increases shelf life and sweetens food really cheaply? But then again when have companies ever had our best interests at heart when there's a buck left in our wallet?


Steph said...

Because it's ADDICTIVE! Case in point: I let LL eat Chef Boyardee ravioli till I found out that it has HFCS in it (why?). Then we switched to Hormel, which does not. For a while, she would not eat nearly as much of the Hormel as the Chef Boyardee and clearly preferred the CB... It took a while, but I've convinced her to kick the habit, with a little help from our friends the Berenstain Bears.

Kim said...

I noticed the same thing with Hormel vs CB. We never did CB, but I read all of the packages before deciding to go with Hormel. We're very familiar with the Berenstain Bears on the beenie weenies. =)