Friday, May 26, 2006

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Why do they have to put High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) in everything these days? Accidental Hedonist discusses this and more. Perhaps it is a poli-geo-eco conspiracy? Or could it be that HFCS are a harmless additive that increases shelf life and sweetens food really cheaply? But then again when have companies ever had our best interests at heart when there's a buck left in our wallet?

Monday, May 22, 2006

Have you had trouble opening those see-through plastic packages from places like Best Buy and Walmart that are further soldered and fused together to make them virtually unopenable? You're not alone. And it also appears that these packages are causing a surge in non-intentional hand injuries. "'I would definitely like to tell (manufacturers) that serious hand injuries are occurring because of this packaging,' said Arbelaez, a member of the Trauma Care and Injury Control National Committee of American College of Emergency Physicians." To open the packages, regular scissors don't do the trick. Box cutters increase the risk of cutting yourself or a work surface. About the only thing I have found that will cut through them safely are the Super Shears from Cutco. They are heavy, strong and cut right through all those layers of PVC.