Monday, July 02, 2007

Here's another study showing that a unprocessed diet is better for you than a low carb, or low fat diet or any other type diet out there. In fact, it may even prevent type 2 diabetes altogether. The more your body has to work to get the nutrients out of the food, the more calories are burned. If you let a machine in some factory do all of the work for you, your body will end up storing those calories as fat. And you don't get the side benefit of the flavonoids, trace vitamins, minerals and, of course, fiber in raw food.

1 comment:

Steph said...

That explains the skinny raw vegans.

I heard someone say once that you should eat food that remembers where it came from - the less processed the better. I wish I could remember who said that. I certainly believe it, but it is tough to stick to it in the presence of all this processed CRAP food. Give me a organic/local/veggie fast food joint!